Utility functions for my research
Convert wind direction and speed to u and v wind components. |
Convert u and v wind components to wind direction and speed. |
Convert unit of wind speed from meter per seconds to knots. |
Convert unit of wind speed from knots to meter per seconds. |
Get linear-scale average of reflectivity (dBZ). |
Get Atlas et al. (1973) fall velocity. |
Get DSD moments from drop size distribution. |
Return a lambert conformal conic projection of DFS (Digital Forecasting System) used in KMA. |
Return a lambert conformal conic projection for ICE-POP 2018 domain. |
Get distance [km] and bearing [deg] between two lon/lat points. |
Spatial calculations¶
Get nearest indices of the x and y values of target if 2D array is given. |
Get values along the transect of two points (lon/lat) for 2D array. |
Get 2D array with lower resolution. |
ICE-POP 2018¶
Get datetimes for nine major evnets in ICE-POP 2018. |
Get metadata of ICE-POP 2018 sites. |
Get extent of ICE-POP 2018 domain. |
Get 2D standard deviation of 2D array efficiently. |
Get 2D standard deviation of 2D array efficiently with missings ignored. |
Get 2D convolution with missings ignored. |
Get derivative of 1D or 2D array. |
Get performance matrix BIAS, RMSE, STD, and CORR values and its f-string. |
Get summary of the array. |
Get intersection of multiple 1D arrays. |
(wd=None, ws=None, radians=False, knots=False)[source]¶ Convert wind direction and speed to u and v wind components.
>>> u, v = kkpy.util.wind2uv(wd, ws)
- Parameters
wd (array_like) – Array containing wind direction in degree. It should be meteorological direction, not mathematical.
ws (array_like) – Array containing wind speed in m/s.
radians (boolean, optional) – If this is set to True, the unit of wd is radian. The default is False (i.e. degree).
knots (boolean, optional) – If this is set to True, the unit of ws is knots. The default is False (i.e. m/s).
- Returns
u (ndarray) – Return u component of wind in m/s.
v (ndarray) – Return v component of wind in m/s.
(u, v)[source]¶ Convert u and v wind components to wind direction and speed.
>>> wd, ws = kkpy.util.uv2wind(u, v)
- Parameters
u (array_like) – Array containing u component of wind in m/s.
v (array_like) – Array containing v component of wind in m/s.
- Returns
wd (ndarray) – Return wind direction in degree.
ws (ndarray) – Return wind speed in m/s.
(ws_ms)[source]¶ Convert unit of wind speed from meter per seconds to knots.
>>> ws_knot = kkpy.util.ms2knot(ws_ms)
- Parameters
ws_ms (array_like) – Array containing wind speed in m/s.
- Returns
ws_knot – Return wind speed in knots.
- Return type
(ws_knot)[source]¶ Convert unit of wind speed from knots to meter per seconds.
>>> ws_ms = kkpy.util.knot2ms(ws_knot)
- Parameters
ws_knot (array_like) – Array containing wind speed in knots.
- Returns
ws_ms – Return wind speed in m/s.
- Return type
(xtarget, ytarget, x2d, y2d)[source]¶ Get nearest indices of the x and y values of target if 2D array is given.
>>> x2d, y2d = np.meshgrid(np.arange(128,130,0.1), np.arange(36,38,0.1)) >>> idx2d = kkpy.util.nn_idx_2d(128.35, 37.65, x2d, y2d) >>> print(x2d[idx2d], y2d[idx2d])
- Parameters
xtarget (float) – Target value of x.
ytarget (float) – Target value of y.
x2d (2D array) – Numpy 2D array containing x value of each grid point. The shape of x2d and y2d should be same.
y2d (2D array) – Numpy 2D array containing y value of each grid point. The shape of x2d and y2d should be same.
- Returns
idx2d – Return an array of nearest x and y indicies.
- Return type
1D array
(xy0, xy1, x2d, y2d, value2d, linewidth=1, along='x', reduce_func=<function mean>)[source]¶ Get values along the transect of two points (lon/lat) for 2D array.
>>> dem, lon, lat, proj = kkpy.io.read_dem(area='pyeongchang') >>> start = [127.52, 37.3] >>> end = [129, 36.52] >>> xaxis, vcross = kkpy.util.cross_section_2d(start, end, lon, lat, dem) >>> plt.plot(xaxis, vcross) >>> plt.show()
- Parameters
xy0 (array_like) – Array of x and y values of starting point.
xy1 (array_like) – Array of x and y values of ending point.
x2d (2D array) – Numpy 2D array containing x value of each grid point. The shape of x2d, y2d, and value2d should be same.
y2d (2D array) – Numpy 2D array containing y value of each grid point. The shape of x2d, y2d, and value2d should be same.
value2d (2D array) – Numpy 2D array containing data value of each grid point. The shape of x2d, y2d, and value2d should be same.
linewidth (int, optional) – The linewidth used in average over perpendicular direction along the transect. Default is 1 (i.e. no average).
along (str, optional) – Set ‘x’ to return xaxis in x axis, otherwise return it in y axis. Default is ‘x’.
reduce_func (callable, optional) – Function used to calculate the aggregation of pixel values perpendicular to the profile_line direction when linewidth > 1. See skimage.measure.profile_line for detail.
- Returns
xaxis (1D array) – Return xaxis of cross-section in longitude or latitude unit. The unit is determined by along keyword.
vcross (1D array) – Return averaged value along the cross-section.
()[source]¶ Return a lambert conformal conic projection of DFS (Digital Forecasting System) used in KMA.
>>> import cartopy.crs as ccrs >>> ax = plt.subplot(proj=kkpy.util.proj_dfs()) >>> ax.scatter([126], [38], transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) >>> plt.show()
- Returns
proj – Return a map projection of DFS.
- Return type
cartopy projection
()[source]¶ Return a lambert conformal conic projection for ICE-POP 2018 domain.
>>> import cartopy.crs as ccrs >>> ax = plt.subplot(proj=kkpy.util.proj_icepop()) >>> ax.scatter([129], [37.7], transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) >>> ax.set_extent(kkpy.util.icepop_extent(), crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) >>> plt.show()
- Returns
proj – Return a map projection of DFS.
- Return type
cartopy projection
(lonlat0, lonlat1, radians=False)[source]¶ Get distance [km] and bearing [deg] between two lon/lat points.
>>> dist_km, bearing_deg = kkpy.util.dist_bearing([127.5,36], [130,37])
- Parameters
lonlat0 (1D Array) – Array containing longitude and latitude of the first point. Longitude (latitude) should be at the first (second) element.
lonlat1 (1D Array) – Array containing longitude and latitude of the second point. Longitude (latitude) should be at the first (second) element.
radians (boolean, optional) – If this is set to True, the unit of bearing is radian. The default is False (i.e. degree).
- Returns
distance (float) – Return distance between two points in km.
bearing (ndarray) – Return bearing of two points in degree. If radians is True, the unit is radians.
(slab, kernel, max_missing=0.99)[source]¶ Get 2D convolution with missings ignored.
Moving 2D standard deviation
>>> import astropy.convolution >>> kernel = np.array(astropy.convolution.Box2DKernel(5)) >>> c1 = kkpy.util.nanconvolve2d(arr2d, kernel) >>> c2 = kkpy.util.nanconvolve2d(arr2d*arr2d, kernel) >>> stddev2d = np.sqrt(c2 - c1*c1)
Moving 2D average
>>> import astropy.convolution >>> kernel = np.array(astropy.convolution.Box2DKernel(5)) >>> avg2d = kkpy.util.nanconvolve2d(arr2d, kernel)
- Parameters
slab (2D Array) – Input array to convolve. Can have numpy.nan or masked values.
kernel (1D Array) – Convolution kernel, must have sizes as odd numbers.
max_missing (float, optional) – Float in (0,1), max percentage of missing in each convolution window is tolerated before a missing is placed in the result.
- Returns
result – Return convolution result. Missings are represented as numpy.nans if they are in slab, or masked if they are masked in slab.
- Return type
2D Array
This code is from Stack Overflow answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/40416633/12272819), written by Jason (https://stackoverflow.com/users/2005415/jason). This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license (CC BY-SA 3.0). Modified by Kwonil Kim in November 2020: modify docstring format, remove verbose argument, modify default value of max_missing, change numpy to np
(X, window_size)[source]¶ Get 2D standard deviation of 2D array efficiently with missings ignored.
>>> std2d = kkpy.util.nanstd2d(arr2d, 3)
- Parameters
X (2D Array) – Array containing the data.
window_size (float) – Window size of x and y. Window sizes of x and y should be same.
- Returns
std2d – Return 2D standard deviation.
- Return type
2D Array
(X, window_size)[source]¶ Get 2D standard deviation of 2D array efficiently.
>>> std2d = kkpy.util.std2d(arr2d, 3)
- Parameters
X (2D Array) – Array containing the data.
window_size (float or 1D array) – Window size. If array of two elements, window sizes of x and y will be window_size[0] and window_size[1], respectively.
- Returns
std2d – Return 2D standard deviation.
- Return type
2D Array
This code is from https://nickc1.github.io/python,/matlab/2016/05/17/Standard-Deviation-(Filters)-in-Matlab-and-Python.html, written by Nick Cortale. Modified by Kwonil Kim in November 2020: add docstring, modify function name
(dbz_arr, outside_radar=- 9999.0, noprecip=- 9998.0, qced=- 9997.0, axis=None)[source]¶ Get linear-scale average of reflectivity (dBZ).
>>> dbz_avg = kkpy.util.dbzmean(dbz_arr)
- Parameters
X (array_like) – Array containing the reflectivity in dBZ.
outside_radar (float, optional) – Value indicating the grid point is located outside radar observable range. This will not be included in the count during the average.
noprecip (float, optional) – Value indicating the grid point is clear echo. This will be considered as 0.0 mm6 m-3.
qced (float, optional) – Value indicating the grid point is masked by QC process. This will not be included in the count during the average.
axis (None or int or tuple of ints, optional) –
Axis or axes along which the means are computed.
New in version 0.2.0.
- Returns
dbz_avg – Return averaged reflectivity in dBZ.
- Return type
(KST=False)[source]¶ Get datetimes for nine major evnets in ICE-POP 2018.
>>> dts = kkpy.util.icepop_events() >>> for eventno in np.arange(9)+1: >>> dt = dts[eventno] >>> print(f'eventno = {eventno}, start = {dt[0]}, end = {dt[1]}')
- Parameters
KST (boolean, optional) – True if return the datetime in KST, rather than UTC.
- Returns
dict_datetimes – Return a dictionary of array containing start and finish datetime for each event.
- Return type
()[source]¶ Get metadata of ICE-POP 2018 sites.
>>> # Plotting in Lon/Lat coordinates >>> for lon, lat, hgt, site in kkpy.util.icepop_sites(): >>> plt.plot(lon, lat, marker='o', color='red', markersize=3, alpha=0.5, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) >>> plt.text(lon+0.01, lat, site, verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
>>> # Plotting in Lon/Hgt coordinates >>> for lon, lat, hgt, site in kkpy.util.icepop_sites(): >>> plt.plot(lon, hgt/1e3, marker='o', color='red', markersize=3, alpha=0.5) >>> plt.text(lon+0.01, hgt/1e3, site, verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10)
- Returns
tuple_sites – Return a tuple containing longitude, latitude, height, and sitename for each ICE-POP 2018 supersite.
- Return type
()[source]¶ Get extent of ICE-POP 2018 domain.
>>> ax.set_extent(kkpy.util.icepop_extent(), crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
- Returns
list_extent – Return a list containing lon0, lon1, lat0, and lat1 of default ICE-POP 2018 domain.
- Return type
(D)[source]¶ Get Atlas et al. (1973) fall velocity.
>>> V_arr = kkpy.util.vel_atlas(D_arr)
- Parameters
D (array_like) – Array containing the diameter in mm.
- Returns
V – Return a fall velocity of raindrop for a given diameter.
- Return type
(ND, D, dD, VD=None, Vatlas=False)[source]¶ Get DSD moments from drop size distribution.
>>> tdvd = kkpy.util.calc_dsdmoments(ND_arr, D_arr, dD_arr, VD=VD_arr)
>>> poss = kkpy.util.calc_dsdmoments(ND_arr, D_arr, dD_arr, Vatlas=True)
- Parameters
ND (array_like) – Array containing the number concentration in mm-1 m-3. If 2D array, the diameter should be at the first axis (i.e. axis = 0).
D (array_like) – Array containing the median of each diameter channel in mm.
dD (array_like) – Array containing the spread of each diameter channel in mm.
VD (array_like, optional) – Array containing the mean velocity of each diameter channel in m s-1. Vatlas should be False if VD contains data.
Vatlas (boolean, optional) – True if VD is replaced by the velocity-diameter relationship of Atlas et al. (1973).
- Returns
dict_moments – Return a dictionary containing the DSD moments: z[mm6 m-3], Z[dBZ], and R[mm hr-1].
- Return type
(x, y, fmtbias='.3f', fmtrmse='.3f', fmtstd='.3f', fmtcorr='.3f')[source]¶ Get performance matrix BIAS, RMSE, STD, and CORR values and its f-string.
>>> stats, str_stat = kkpy.util.stats(xarr, yarr) >>> print(stats) >>> plt.text(3, 5, str_stat)
>>> stats, str_stat = kkpy.util.stats(xarr, yarr, fmtbias='.1f', fmtcorr='.2f')
- Parameters
x (array_like) – Array containing multiple variables and observations.
y (array_like) – Array containing multiple variables and observations. The shape should be same as x.
fmtbias (str, optional) – String format for BIAS. Default is ‘.3f’.
fmtrmse (str, optional) – String format for RMSE. Default is ‘.3f’.
fmtstd (str, optional) – String format for STD. Default is ‘.3f’.
fmtcorr (str, optional) – String format for CORR. Default is ‘.3f’.
- Returns
dict_moments – Return a dictionary containing the DSD moments: z[mm6 m-3], Z[dBZ], and R[mm hr-1].
- Return type
(arr, cnt_print=10)[source]¶ Get summary of the array.
- Parameters
arr (array_like) – Array containing multiple variables and observations.
cnt_print (int, optional) – The number of elements to print.
(var, cnt_x, pixelsize=1, axis=0)[source]¶ Get derivative of 1D or 2D array.
>>> # Derivative of 1D array with a window size of 5. >>> # Note that the horizontal resolution of xarr is 0.1. >>> xarr = np.arange(100)*0.1 >>> yarr = np.exp(xarr) >>> dydx = kkpy.util.derivative(yarr, 5, pixelsize=0.1)
>>> # This example gives the derivative of arr2d along x axis with a window size of 20. >>> # Assume that you have an arr2d[iy,ix] with horizontal resolution of 3 km. >>> dzdx = kkpy.util.derivative(arr2d, 11, pixelsize=3000, axis=1)
- Parameters
var (array_like) – Array containing multiple variables and observations.
cnt_x (int) – The number of the pixel for derivative. This should be odd number. The derivative will be (Y[i+N/2]-Y[i-N/2]) / (N-1).
pixelsize (float, optional) – The size of one pixel of x axis. If default (1), the derivative means the rate of change on an interval of one pixel with resolution of 1.
axis (int, optional) – Axis along which the derivatives are computed. Default is 0.
- Returns
derivative – Return a derivative for a given array.
- Return type
(arr_in, ratio_x, ratio_y, dBZ=False)[source]¶ Get 2D array with lower resolution.
>>> arr1 = np.random.rand(250,150) # shape: (250,150) >>> arr2 = to_lower_resolution(arr1,10,10) # shape: (25,15) >>> arr3 = to_lower_resolution(arr1,5,10) # shape: (50,15)
- Parameters
arr_in (2D array) – Array you want to lower the resolution.
ratio_x (int) – The reduction ratio over x axis. The size of arr_in xaxis should be able to be divided by ratio_x.
ratio_y (int) – The reduction ratio over y axis. The size of arr_in yaxis should be able to be divided by ratio_y.
dBZ (boolean, optional) – True if return a linear-scale average of reflectivity (dBZ).
- Returns
arr_out – Return an array with lower resolution.
- Return type
2D array
This code is from Stack Overflow answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/14916963/12272819), written by Jaime (https://stackoverflow.com/users/110026/jaime). This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license (CC BY-SA 3.0).
(list_array)[source]¶ Get intersection of multiple 1D arrays.
>>> arr1 = np.array([0,1,2,4,5,6]) >>> arr2 = np.array([0,1,3,4,6]) >>> arr_inter = kkpy.util.get_intersect([arr1, arr2]) # [0,1,4,6]
- Parameters
list_array (array_like) – List of 1D numpy arrays.
- Returns
intersection – Return an array with lower resolution.
- Return type
This code is based on Stack Exchange answer (https://codereview.stackexchange.com/a/145210), written by Peilonrayz (https://codereview.stackexchange.com/users/42401/peilonrayz). This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license (CC BY-SA 3.0).