Source code for kkpy.util


Utility functions for my research

.. currentmodule:: util

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Spatial calculations
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ICE-POP 2018
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import numpy as np

[docs]def wind2uv(wd=None, ws=None, radians=False, knots=False): """ Convert wind direction and speed to u and v wind components. Examples --------- >>> u, v = kkpy.util.wind2uv(wd, ws) Parameters ---------- wd : array_like Array containing wind direction in **degree**. It should be **meteorological** direction, not mathematical. ws : array_like Array containing wind speed in **m/s**. radians : boolean, optional If this is set to True, the unit of *wd* is **radian**. The default is False (i.e. **degree**). knots : boolean, optional If this is set to True, the unit of *ws* is **knots**. The default is False (i.e. **m/s**). Returns --------- u : ndarray Return u component of wind in **m/s**. v : ndarray Return v component of wind in **m/s**. """ if not radians: wd = np.radians(wd) if knots: ws = knot2ms(ws) u = -ws * np.sin(wd) v = -ws * np.cos(wd) return u, v
[docs]def uv2wind(u, v): """ Convert u and v wind components to wind direction and speed. Examples --------- >>> wd, ws = kkpy.util.uv2wind(u, v) Parameters ---------- u : array_like Array containing u component of wind in **m/s**. v : array_like Array containing v component of wind in **m/s**. Returns --------- wd : ndarray Return wind direction in **degree**. ws : ndarray Return wind speed in **m/s**. """ ws = np.hypot(u, v) wd = 270 - np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(v, u)) wd = wd % 360 return wd, ws
[docs]def ms2knot(ws_ms): """ Convert unit of wind speed from meter per seconds to knots. Examples --------- >>> ws_knot = kkpy.util.ms2knot(ws_ms) Parameters ---------- ws_ms : array_like Array containing wind speed in **m/s**. Returns --------- ws_knot : ndarray Return wind speed in **knots**. """ ws_knot = ws_ms * 1. / 0.5144444 return ws_knot
[docs]def knot2ms(ws_knot): """ Convert unit of wind speed from knots to meter per seconds. Examples --------- >>> ws_ms = kkpy.util.knot2ms(ws_knot) Parameters ---------- ws_knot : array_like Array containing wind speed in **knots**. Returns --------- ws_ms : ndarray Return wind speed in **m/s**. """ ws_ms = ws_knot * 0.5144444 return ws_ms
[docs]def nn_idx_2d(xtarget, ytarget, x2d, y2d): """ Get nearest indices of the x and y values of target if 2D array is given. Examples --------- >>> x2d, y2d = np.meshgrid(np.arange(128,130,0.1), np.arange(36,38,0.1)) >>> idx2d = kkpy.util.nn_idx_2d(128.35, 37.65, x2d, y2d) >>> print(x2d[idx2d], y2d[idx2d]) Parameters ---------- xtarget : float Target value of x. ytarget : float Target value of y. x2d : 2D array Numpy 2D array containing x value of each grid point. The shape of **x2d** and **y2d** should be same. y2d : 2D array Numpy 2D array containing y value of each grid point. The shape of **x2d** and **y2d** should be same. Returns --------- idx2d : 1D array Return an array of nearest x and y indicies. """ import bottleneck as bn diff = (x2d - xtarget)**2 + (y2d - ytarget)**2 idx2d = np.float_(np.unravel_index(bn.nanargmin(diff), x2d.shape)) return np.int_(idx2d)
[docs]def cross_section_2d(xy0, xy1, x2d, y2d, value2d, linewidth=1, along='x', reduce_func=np.mean): """ Get values along the transect of two points (lon/lat) for 2D array. Examples --------- >>> dem, lon, lat, proj ='pyeongchang') >>> start = [127.52, 37.3] >>> end = [129, 36.52] >>> xaxis, vcross = kkpy.util.cross_section_2d(start, end, lon, lat, dem) >>> plt.plot(xaxis, vcross) >>> Parameters ---------- xy0 : array_like Array of x and y values of starting point. xy1 : array_like Array of x and y values of ending point. x2d : 2D array Numpy 2D array containing x value of each grid point. The shape of **x2d**, **y2d**, and **value2d** should be same. y2d : 2D array Numpy 2D array containing y value of each grid point. The shape of **x2d**, **y2d**, and **value2d** should be same. value2d : 2D array Numpy 2D array containing data value of each grid point. The shape of **x2d**, **y2d**, and **value2d** should be same. linewidth : int, optional The linewidth used in average over perpendicular direction along the transect. Default is 1 (i.e. no average). along : str, optional Set 'x' to return **xaxis** in x axis, otherwise return it in y axis. Default is 'x'. reduce_func : callable, optional Function used to calculate the aggregation of pixel values perpendicular to the profile_line direction when linewidth > 1. See skimage.measure.profile_line for detail. Returns --------- xaxis : 1D array Return xaxis of cross-section in longitude or latitude unit. The unit is determined by along keyword. vcross : 1D array Return averaged value along the cross-section. """ import skimage.measure minx, maxx = np.nanmin(x2d), np.nanmax(x2d) miny, maxy = np.nanmin(y2d), np.nanmax(y2d) if not minx < xy0[0] < maxx: raise ValueError(f'xy0[0]({xy0[0]}) is out of range ({minx} ~ {maxx})') if not miny < xy0[1] < maxy: raise ValueError(f'xy0[1]({xy0[1]}) is out of range ({miny} ~ {maxy})') if not minx < xy1[0] < maxx: raise ValueError(f'xy1[0]({xy1[0]}) is out of range ({minx} ~ {maxx})') if not miny < xy1[1] < maxy: raise ValueError(f'xy1[1]({xy1[1]}) is out of range ({miny} ~ {maxy})') assert along in ['x', 'y'], "Check along keyword (should be 'x' or 'y')" # find indices istart = nn_idx_2d(xy0[0], xy0[1], x2d, y2d) iend = nn_idx_2d(xy1[0], xy1[1], x2d, y2d) # get xaxis ixlen, iylen = iend - istart ixsize = int(np.ceil(np.hypot(ixlen, iylen) + 1)) if along in 'x': xaxis = np.linspace(xy0[0], xy1[0], ixsize) else: xaxis = np.linspace(xy0[1], xy1[1], ixsize) # get cross-section vcross = skimage.measure.profile_line( value2d, istart, iend, linewidth=linewidth, reduce_func=reduce_func, order=0, mode='constant', cval=np.nan ) return xaxis, vcross
[docs]def proj_dfs(): """ Return a lambert conformal conic projection of DFS (Digital Forecasting System) used in KMA. Examples --------- >>> import as ccrs >>> ax = plt.subplot(proj=kkpy.util.proj_dfs()) >>> ax.scatter([126], [38], transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) >>> Returns --------- proj : cartopy projection Return a map projection of DFS. """ import as ccrs globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse=None, semimajor_axis=6371008.77, semiminor_axis=6371008.77) proj = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=126, central_latitude=38, standard_parallels=(30,60), false_easting=400000, false_northing=789000, globe=globe) return proj
[docs]def proj_icepop(): """ Return a lambert conformal conic projection for ICE-POP 2018 domain. Examples --------- >>> import as ccrs >>> ax = plt.subplot(proj=kkpy.util.proj_icepop()) >>> ax.scatter([129], [37.7], transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) >>> ax.set_extent(kkpy.util.icepop_extent(), crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) >>> Returns --------- proj : cartopy projection Return a map projection of DFS. """ import as ccrs globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse=None, semimajor_axis=6371008.77, semiminor_axis=6371008.77) proj = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=128.75, central_latitude=37.65, standard_parallels=(30,60), false_easting=75000, false_northing=75000, globe=globe) return proj
[docs]def dist_bearing(lonlat0, lonlat1, radians=False): """ Get distance [km] and bearing [deg] between two lon/lat points. Examples --------- >>> dist_km, bearing_deg = kkpy.util.dist_bearing([127.5,36], [130,37]) Parameters ---------- lonlat0 : 1D Array Array containing longitude and latitude of the first point. Longitude (latitude) should be at the first (second) element. lonlat1 : 1D Array Array containing longitude and latitude of the second point. Longitude (latitude) should be at the first (second) element. radians : boolean, optional If this is set to True, the unit of *bearing* is **radian**. The default is False (i.e. **degree**). Returns --------- distance : float Return distance between two points in **km**. bearing : ndarray Return bearing of two points in **degree**. If radians is True, the unit is **radians**. """ from haversine import haversine from math import sin, cos, atan2 lon0 = lonlat0[0] lat0 = lonlat0[1] lon1 = lonlat1[0] lat1 = lonlat1[1] dist = haversine((lat0,lon0),(lat1,lon1)) # km rlat0, rlon0, rlat1, rlon1 = np.radians((lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1)) coslt0, sinlt0 = cos(rlat0), sin(rlat0) coslt1, sinlt1 = cos(rlat1), sin(rlat1) cosl0l1, sinl0l1 = cos(rlon1-rlon0), sin(rlon1-rlon0) cosc = sinlt0*sinlt1 + coslt0*coslt1*cosl0l1 sinc = np.sqrt(1.0 - cosc**2) cosaz = (coslt0*sinlt1 - sinlt0*coslt1*cosl0l1) / sinc sinaz = sinl0l1*coslt1/sinc bearing = np.arctan(sinaz/cosaz) if not radians: bearing = np.degrees(bearing) return dist, bearing
[docs]def nanconvolve2d(slab, kernel, max_missing=0.99): """ Get 2D convolution with missings ignored. Examples --------- Moving 2D standard deviation >>> import astropy.convolution >>> kernel = np.array(astropy.convolution.Box2DKernel(5)) >>> c1 = kkpy.util.nanconvolve2d(arr2d, kernel) >>> c2 = kkpy.util.nanconvolve2d(arr2d*arr2d, kernel) >>> stddev2d = np.sqrt(c2 - c1*c1) Moving 2D average >>> import astropy.convolution >>> kernel = np.array(astropy.convolution.Box2DKernel(5)) >>> avg2d = kkpy.util.nanconvolve2d(arr2d, kernel) Parameters ---------- slab : 2D Array Input array to convolve. Can have numpy.nan or masked values. kernel : 1D Array Convolution kernel, must have sizes as odd numbers. max_missing : float, optional Float in (0,1), max percentage of missing in each convolution window is tolerated before a missing is placed in the result. Returns --------- result : 2D Array Return convolution result. Missings are represented as numpy.nans if they are in slab, or masked if they are masked in slab. Notes --------- This code is from Stack Overflow answer (, written by Jason ( This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license (CC BY-SA 3.0). Modified by Kwonil Kim in November 2020: modify docstring format, remove verbose argument, modify default value of max_missing, change numpy to np """ from scipy.ndimage import convolve as sciconvolve assert np.ndim(slab)==2, "<slab> needs to be 2D." assert np.ndim(kernel)==2, "<kernel> needs to be 2D." assert kernel.shape[0]%2==1 and kernel.shape[1]%2==1, "<kernel> shape needs to be an odd number." assert max_missing > 0 and max_missing < 1, "<max_missing> needs to be a float in (0,1)." #--------------Get mask for missings-------------- if not hasattr(slab,'mask') and np.any(np.isnan(slab))==False: has_missing=False slab2=slab.copy() elif not hasattr(slab,'mask') and np.any(np.isnan(slab)): has_missing=True slabmask=np.where(np.isnan(slab),1,0) slab2=slab.copy() missing_as='nan' elif (slab.mask.size==1 and slab.mask==False) or np.any(slab.mask)==False: has_missing=False slab2=slab.copy() elif not (slab.mask.size==1 and slab.mask==False) and np.any(slab.mask): has_missing=True slabmask=np.where(slab.mask,1,0) slab2=np.where(slabmask==1,np.nan,slab) missing_as='mask' else: has_missing=False slab2=slab.copy() #--------------------No missing-------------------- if not has_missing: result=sciconvolve(slab2,kernel,mode='constant',cval=0.) else: H,W=slab.shape hh=int((kernel.shape[0]-1)/2) # half height hw=int((kernel.shape[1]-1)/2) # half width min_valid=(1-max_missing)*kernel.shape[0]*kernel.shape[1] # dont forget to flip the kernel kernel_flip=kernel[::-1,::-1] result=sciconvolve(slab2,kernel,mode='constant',cval=0.) slab2=np.where(slabmask==1,0,slab2) #------------------Get nan holes------------------ miss_idx=zip(*np.where(slabmask==1)) if missing_as=='mask': mask=np.zeros([H,W]) for yii,xii in miss_idx: #-------Recompute at each new nan in result------- hole_ys=range(max(0,yii-hh),min(H,yii+hh+1)) hole_xs=range(max(0,xii-hw),min(W,xii+hw+1)) for hi in hole_ys: for hj in hole_xs: hi1=max(0,hi-hh) hi2=min(H,hi+hh+1) hj1=max(0,hj-hw) hj2=min(W,hj+hw+1) slab_window=slab2[hi1:hi2,hj1:hj2] mask_window=slabmask[hi1:hi2,hj1:hj2] kernel_ij=kernel_flip[max(0,hh-hi):min(hh*2+1,hh+H-hi), max(0,hw-hj):min(hw*2+1,hw+W-hj)] kernel_ij=np.where(mask_window==1,0,kernel_ij) #----Fill with missing if not enough valid data---- ksum=np.sum(kernel_ij) if ksum<min_valid: if missing_as=='nan': result[hi,hj]=np.nan elif missing_as=='mask': result[hi,hj]=0. mask[hi,hj]=True else: result[hi,hj]=np.sum(slab_window*kernel_ij) if missing_as=='mask': result.mask=mask return result
[docs]def nanstd2d(X, window_size): """ Get 2D standard deviation of 2D array efficiently with missings ignored. Examples --------- >>> std2d = kkpy.util.nanstd2d(arr2d, 3) Parameters ---------- X : 2D Array Array containing the data. window_size : float Window size of x and y. Window sizes of x and y should be same. Returns --------- std2d : 2D Array Return 2D standard deviation. """ import astropy.convolution kernel = np.array(astropy.convolution.Box2DKernel(window_size)) c1 = nanconvolve2d(X, kernel) c2 = nanconvolve2d(X*X, kernel) return np.sqrt(c2 - c1*c1)
[docs]def std2d(X, window_size): """ Get 2D standard deviation of 2D array efficiently. Examples --------- >>> std2d = kkpy.util.std2d(arr2d, 3) Parameters ---------- X : 2D Array Array containing the data. window_size : float or 1D array Window size. If array of two elements, window sizes of x and y will be window_size[0] and window_size[1], respectively. Returns --------- std2d : 2D Array Return 2D standard deviation. Notes --------- This code is from,/matlab/2016/05/17/Standard-Deviation-(Filters)-in-Matlab-and-Python.html, written by Nick Cortale. Modified by Kwonil Kim in November 2020: add docstring, modify function name """ from scipy.ndimage.filters import uniform_filter r,c = X.shape X+=np.random.rand(r,c)*1e-6 c1 = uniform_filter(X, window_size, mode='reflect') c2 = uniform_filter(X*X, window_size, mode='reflect') return np.sqrt(c2 - c1*c1)
[docs]def dbzmean(dbz_arr, outside_radar=-9999., noprecip=-9998., qced=-9997., axis=None): """ Get linear-scale average of reflectivity (dBZ). Examples --------- >>> dbz_avg = kkpy.util.dbzmean(dbz_arr) Parameters ---------- X : array_like Array containing the reflectivity in dBZ. outside_radar : float, optional Value indicating the grid point is located outside radar observable range. This will not be included in the count during the average. noprecip : float, optional Value indicating the grid point is clear echo. This will be considered as 0.0 mm6 m-3. qced : float, optional Value indicating the grid point is masked by QC process. This will not be included in the count during the average. axis : None or int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which the means are computed. .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Returns --------- dbz_avg : array_like Return averaged reflectivity in dBZ. """ dbz_arr[dbz_arr == outside_radar] = np.nan dbz_arr[dbz_arr == qced] = np.nan dbz_lin = 10.**(dbz_arr/10.) dbz_lin[dbz_arr == noprecip] = 0. return 10*np.log10(np.nanmean(dbz_lin, axis=axis))
[docs]def icepop_events(KST=False): """ Get datetimes for nine major evnets in ICE-POP 2018. Examples --------- >>> dts = kkpy.util.icepop_events() >>> for eventno in np.arange(9)+1: >>> dt = dts[eventno] >>> print(f'eventno = {eventno}, start = {dt[0]}, end = {dt[1]}') Parameters ---------- KST : boolean, optional True if return the datetime in KST, rather than UTC. Returns --------- dict_datetimes : dictionary Return a dictionary of array containing start and finish datetime for each event. """ import datetime if not KST: events = { 1: [datetime.datetime(2017,11,24,20), datetime.datetime(2017,11,25,19)], 2: [datetime.datetime(2017,12,23,20), datetime.datetime(2017,12,25, 3)], 3: [datetime.datetime(2018, 1,22, 3), datetime.datetime(2018, 1,23, 0)], 4: [datetime.datetime(2018, 2,27,23), datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 1, 3)], 5: [datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 4, 8), datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 5,10)], 6: [datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 7, 5), datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 9, 3)], 7: [datetime.datetime(2018, 3,14,19), datetime.datetime(2018, 3,16,12)], 8: [datetime.datetime(2018, 3,18,10), datetime.datetime(2018, 3,19, 9)], 9: [datetime.datetime(2018, 3,19,21), datetime.datetime(2018, 3,21,14)], } else: events = { 1: [datetime.datetime(2017,11,25, 5), datetime.datetime(2017,11,26, 4)], 2: [datetime.datetime(2017,12,24, 5), datetime.datetime(2017,12,25,12)], 3: [datetime.datetime(2018, 1,22,12), datetime.datetime(2018, 1,23, 9)], 4: [datetime.datetime(2018, 2,28, 8), datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 1,12)], 5: [datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 4,17), datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 5,19)], 6: [datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 7,14), datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 9,12)], 7: [datetime.datetime(2018, 3,15, 4), datetime.datetime(2018, 3,16,21)], 8: [datetime.datetime(2018, 3,18,19), datetime.datetime(2018, 3,19,18)], 9: [datetime.datetime(2018, 3,20, 6), datetime.datetime(2018, 3,21,23)], } return events
[docs]def icepop_sites(): """ Get metadata of ICE-POP 2018 sites. Examples --------- >>> # Plotting in Lon/Lat coordinates >>> for lon, lat, hgt, site in kkpy.util.icepop_sites(): >>> plt.plot(lon, lat, marker='o', color='red', markersize=3, alpha=0.5, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) >>> plt.text(lon+0.01, lat, site, verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) >>> # Plotting in Lon/Hgt coordinates >>> for lon, lat, hgt, site in kkpy.util.icepop_sites(): >>> plt.plot(lon, hgt/1e3, marker='o', color='red', markersize=3, alpha=0.5) >>> plt.text(lon+0.01, hgt/1e3, site, verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10) Returns --------- tuple_sites : tuple Return a tuple containing longitude, latitude, height, and sitename for each ICE-POP 2018 supersite. """ sites = ( (128.866858, 37.770897, 36, 'GWU'), (128.805847, 37.738157, 175, 'BKC'), (128.758636, 37.686953, 855, 'CPO'), (128.718825, 37.677331, 773, 'DGW'), (128.699611, 37.665208, 789, 'MHS'), (128.670494, 37.643342, 772, 'YPO'), (128.564700, 38.250900, 18, 'SCW'), (128.629700, 38.087200, 4, 'YYO'), (128.540700, 38.007400, 146, 'YDO'), (128.821100, 37.898300, 10, 'JMO'), (129.028900, 37.613500, 58, 'OGO'), (129.124300, 37.507100, 40, 'DHW'), (128.377600, 37.562000, 532, 'MOO'), (128.394600, 37.377900, 303, 'PCO') ) return sites
[docs]def icepop_extent(): """ Get extent of ICE-POP 2018 domain. Examples --------- >>> ax.set_extent(kkpy.util.icepop_extent(), crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) Returns --------- list_extent : list Return a list containing lon0, lon1, lat0, and lat1 of default ICE-POP 2018 domain. """ return [128, 129.5, 37, 38.3]
[docs]def vel_atlas(D): """ Get Atlas et al. (1973) fall velocity. Examples --------- >>> V_arr = kkpy.util.vel_atlas(D_arr) Parameters ---------- D : array_like Array containing the diameter in mm. Returns --------- V : array_like Return a fall velocity of raindrop for a given diameter. """ return 9.65 - 10.3 * np.exp(-0.6 * D)
[docs]def calc_dsdmoments(ND, D, dD, VD=None, Vatlas=False): """ Get DSD moments from drop size distribution. Examples --------- >>> tdvd = kkpy.util.calc_dsdmoments(ND_arr, D_arr, dD_arr, VD=VD_arr) >>> poss = kkpy.util.calc_dsdmoments(ND_arr, D_arr, dD_arr, Vatlas=True) Parameters ---------- ND : array_like Array containing the number concentration in mm-1 m-3. If 2D array, the diameter should be at the first axis (i.e. axis = 0). D : array_like Array containing the median of each diameter channel in mm. dD : array_like Array containing the spread of each diameter channel in mm. VD : array_like, optional Array containing the mean velocity of each diameter channel in m s-1. Vatlas should be False if VD contains data. Vatlas : boolean, optional True if VD is replaced by the velocity-diameter relationship of Atlas et al. (1973). Returns --------- dict_moments : dictionary Return a dictionary containing the DSD moments: z[mm6 m-3], Z[dBZ], and R[mm hr-1]. """ if Vatlas: VD = vel_atlas(D) dict_ = {} if ND.ndim == 2: dict_['z'] = np.sum(ND*(D**6)*dD, axis=1) # mm6 m-3 dict_['R'] = np.pi*6*1e-4*np.sum(ND*VD*(D**3)*dD, axis=1) # mm hr-1 else: dict_['z'] = np.sum(ND*(D**6)*dD) # mm6 m-3 dict_['R'] = np.pi*6*1e-4*np.sum(ND*VD*(D**3)*dD) # mm hr-1 dict_['Z'] = 10*np.log10(dict_['z']) # dBZ return dict_
[docs]def stats(x, y, fmtbias='.3f', fmtrmse='.3f', fmtstd='.3f', fmtcorr='.3f'): """ Get performance matrix BIAS, RMSE, STD, and CORR values and its f-string. Examples --------- >>> stats, str_stat = kkpy.util.stats(xarr, yarr) >>> print(stats) >>> plt.text(3, 5, str_stat) >>> stats, str_stat = kkpy.util.stats(xarr, yarr, fmtbias='.1f', fmtcorr='.2f') Parameters ---------- x : array_like Array containing multiple variables and observations. y : array_like Array containing multiple variables and observations. The shape should be same as **x**. fmtbias : str, optional String format for BIAS. Default is '.3f'. fmtrmse : str, optional String format for RMSE. Default is '.3f'. fmtstd : str, optional String format for STD. Default is '.3f'. fmtcorr : str, optional String format for CORR. Default is '.3f'. Returns --------- dict_moments : dictionary Return a dictionary containing the DSD moments: z[mm6 m-3], Z[dBZ], and R[mm hr-1]. """ import pandas as pd bias = np.nanmean(y - x) rmse = np.nanmean((y - x) ** 2)**0.5 std = np.nanstd(y - x) corr = pd.Series(x).corr(pd.Series(y)) stats = [bias, rmse, std, corr] str_stat = f'BIAS={bias:.3f}\nRMSE={rmse:.3f}\nSTD={std:.3f}\nCORR={corr:.3f}' return stats, str_stat
[docs]def summary(arr, cnt_print=10): """ Get summary of the array. Parameters ---------- arr : array_like Array containing multiple variables and observations. cnt_print : int, optional The number of elements to print. """ import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print(pd.Series(arr).describe()) cnt = arr.size count_nan = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(arr)) print(f'\nNans {count_nan} ({count_nan/arr.size:.1f} %)\n') if cnt > cnt_print: print(f'First {cnt_print} values:\n {arr[:cnt_print]}\n') print(f'Last {cnt_print} values:\n {arr[-cnt_print:]}\n') arr = arr[~np.isnan(arr)] arr_sorted = np.sort(arr) print(f'Lowest {cnt_print} values:\n {arr_sorted[:cnt_print]}\n') print(f'Highest {cnt_print} values:\n {arr_sorted[-cnt_print:]}\n') arr_unique = np.unique(arr) print(f'Lowest {cnt_print} unique values:\n {arr_unique[:cnt_print]}\n') print(f'Highest {cnt_print} unique values:\n {arr_unique[-cnt_print:]}\n') hist = plt.hist(arr) print('Histograms') for y, x in zip(hist[0], hist[1]): print(f'{x:.3f} -- {y:.0f}') return
[docs]def derivative(var, cnt_x, pixelsize=1, axis=0): """ Get derivative of 1D or 2D array. Examples --------- >>> # Derivative of 1D array with a window size of 5. >>> # Note that the horizontal resolution of xarr is 0.1. >>> xarr = np.arange(100)*0.1 >>> yarr = np.exp(xarr) >>> dydx = kkpy.util.derivative(yarr, 5, pixelsize=0.1) >>> # This example gives the derivative of arr2d along x axis with a window size of 20. >>> # Assume that you have an arr2d[iy,ix] with horizontal resolution of 3 km. >>> dzdx = kkpy.util.derivative(arr2d, 11, pixelsize=3000, axis=1) Parameters ---------- var : array_like Array containing multiple variables and observations. cnt_x : int The number of the pixel for derivative. This should be odd number. The derivative will be (Y[i+N/2]-Y[i-N/2]) / (N-1). pixelsize : float, optional The size of one pixel of x axis. If default (1), the derivative means the rate of change on an interval of **one pixel** with resolution of 1. axis : int, optional Axis along which the derivatives are computed. Default is 0. Returns --------- derivative : array_like Return a derivative for a given array. """ import astropy.convolution if cnt_x % 2 != 1: raise ValueError('cnt_x must be odd.') if var.ndim > 2: raise ValueError('dimension size of var should be <= 2') kernel = np.zeros(cnt_x) kernel[0] = 1 kernel[-1] = -1 if var.ndim == 2: if axis == 0: kernel = kernel[:,np.newaxis] if axis == 1: kernel = kernel[np.newaxis,:] result = astropy.convolution.convolve( var, kernel, boundary='extend', normalize_kernel=False, nan_treatment='fill', fill_value=np.nan, preserve_nan=True ) / (cnt_x-1) if var.ndim == 1: for j in np.arange(int(cnt_x/2)+1): result[j] = (var[j+int(cnt_x/2)]-var[0]) / (j+int(cnt_x/2)) for j in np.arange(var.size-1-int(cnt_x/2), var.size): result[j] = (var[-1]-var[j-int(cnt_x/2)]) / (var.size-j+int(cnt_x/2)-1) if var.ndim == 2: if axis == 0: for j in np.arange(int(cnt_x/2)+1): result[j,:] = (var[j+int(cnt_x/2),:]-var[0,:]) / (j+int(cnt_x/2)) for j in np.arange(var.shape[0]-1-int(cnt_x/2), var.shape[0]): result[j,:] = (var[-1,:]-var[j-int(cnt_x/2),:]) / (var.shape[0]-j+int(cnt_x/2)-1) if axis == 1: for j in np.arange(int(cnt_x/2)+1): result[:,j] = (var[:,j+int(cnt_x/2)]-var[:,0]) / (j+int(cnt_x/2)) for j in np.arange(var.shape[1]-1-int(cnt_x/2), var.shape[1]): result[:,j] = (var[:,-1]-var[:,j-int(cnt_x/2)]) / (var.shape[1]-j+int(cnt_x/2)-1) derivative = result / pixelsize return derivative
[docs]def to_lower_resolution(arr_in, ratio_x, ratio_y, dBZ=False): """ Get 2D array with lower resolution. Examples --------- >>> arr1 = np.random.rand(250,150) # shape: (250,150) >>> arr2 = to_lower_resolution(arr1,10,10) # shape: (25,15) >>> arr3 = to_lower_resolution(arr1,5,10) # shape: (50,15) Parameters ---------- arr_in : 2D array Array you want to lower the resolution. ratio_x : int The reduction ratio over x axis. The size of **arr_in** xaxis should be able to be divided by **ratio_x**. ratio_y : int The reduction ratio over y axis. The size of **arr_in** yaxis should be able to be divided by **ratio_y**. dBZ : boolean, optional True if return a linear-scale average of reflectivity (dBZ). Returns --------- arr_out : 2D array Return an array with lower resolution. Notes --------- This code is from Stack Overflow answer (, written by Jaime ( This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license (CC BY-SA 3.0). """ if arr_in.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("arr_in must be a 2D array") if ratio_x <= 1 or ratio_y <= 1: raise ValueError("ratio_x and ratio_y must be greater than 1") if not isinstance(ratio_x, int) or not isinstance(ratio_y, int): raise ValueError("ratio_x and ratio_y must be an integer") nx_in, ny_in = arr_in.shape nx_out, ny_out = nx_in/ratio_x, ny_in/ratio_y if not nx_out.is_integer(): raise ValueError(f"check ratio_x: nx_out={nx_out}") if not ny_out.is_integer(): raise ValueError(f"check ratio_y: ny_out={ny_out}") arr_out = arr_in.reshape( [int(nx_out), ratio_x, int(ny_out), ratio_y]) if not dBZ: arr_out = arr_out.mean(axis=3).mean(axis=1) else: arr_out = dbzmean(arr_out, axis=3) arr_out = dbzmean(arr_out, axis=1) return arr_out
[docs]def get_intersect(list_array): """ Get intersection of multiple 1D arrays. Examples --------- >>> arr1 = np.array([0,1,2,4,5,6]) >>> arr2 = np.array([0,1,3,4,6]) >>> arr_inter = kkpy.util.get_intersect([arr1, arr2]) # [0,1,4,6] Parameters ---------- list_array : array_like List of 1D numpy arrays. Returns --------- intersection : array_like Return an array with lower resolution. Notes --------- This code is based on Stack Exchange answer (, written by Peilonrayz ( This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license (CC BY-SA 3.0). """ from functools import reduce intersection = reduce(np.intersect1d, list_array) return intersection